Adventure in Ecuador

Experience an extraordinary people — meet and serve with some of the most amazing single men & women around!

Ecuador is a country of great social, cultural, and geographical diversity located between Colombia and Peru. Although the Ecuadorian government has worked hard to reduce poverty in recent years, the country continues to face critical issues such as chronic malnutrition and gender-based violence. Singular Humanitarian is excited to work with CHOICE Ecuador’s in country team to tackle the social challenges that exist in Ecuador.

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Join Singular Humanitarian as we team up with the village leaders and CHOICE Humanitarian the following areas towards a sustainable future for villagers.

Our 2019 Ecuador expedition will serve in this region under the direction of CHOICE Humanitarian — where CHOICE has been focusing sustainable development efforts for decades. This will be our 19th expedition with CHOICE worldwide!

We will be participating and serving in building the Inta Kara Vocational School and workshops to support the local villagers & communities.

During our week-long expedition, we anticipate these once-in-a-lifetime experiences:
•    Providing an intercultural exchange and experience the power of sharing a “day in the life” as we help build up the local communities.
•    Participating in arrival and farewell cultural celebrations and dancing.
•    Exploring the local culture and countryside.


Singular Humanitarian volunteer expeditioners:
• Experience the extraordinary Ecuadorian people and culture.
• Work side-by-side with local villagers and participate together with them in social/cultural events and celebrations of the progress made on their self-determined development projects.
• Go “off the grid” and get immersed in local culture—creating a unique environment for meaningful intercultural and human connections with the villagers and each other.
• Deepen our perspective and make a sustainable impact as we use our skills and talents in truly meaningful ways while having the time of our lives.
• Attend LDS church services held at the beginning and end of the week (optional).
• Enjoy camp-like accommodations in the village with running water, electricity, cold showers, common eating and social areas.

Expedition participants are free to organize their own pre- or post-trip travel, but they must attend orientation the first day of the expedition and depart from the village the final day of the expedition.

Singular Humanitarian participants are encouraged to get involved in pre-trip planning committees and fundraising efforts.

For more information, check out “What to Expect


Registration opens at 6 pm Pacific Time on January 29! Check back on our website to register!

Cost: US$1,750/~€1,300 + airfare (a Singular Humanitarian-only discount; CHOICE’s expeditions typically cost ~US$2,500/~€1,865)

Approximately half of the per-person expedition fee directly benefits the local villagers through funding the sustainable development projects and the other half covers ALL in-country costs (food, accommodations, transportation etc.).

Deposit to reserve your spot: US$300/~€230* (nonrefundable and due 72 hours after acceptance email)  *The total fee includes the US$300/~€230 deposit.

You are also invited to join us on a Galapagos Tour and/or Quito Tour after the expedition. We are currently finalizing the tours with CHOICE and the local travel agency.

•    Galapagos Tour: After Expedition
•    Galapagos Tour: US$1600-$1800 (depending on number of participants)
•    Quito Tour: Around US$100



*PLEASE NOTE: Do not book flights until you are successfully registered, paid your deposit and confirmed for the expedition. You will receive Ecuador expedition specific details from CHOICE Humanitarian.


To receive updates, please follow us on Facebook or sign-up for our email updates.

Expedition Vitals:

•    Location: Intag, Cotacachi Canton & Otavalo Canton Imbabura Province, Ecuador
•    June 29 – July 6, 2019
•    30-40 Expeditioners
•    US$1,750 + airfare

Cost includes nearly 50% to support the sustainable development projects and covers ALL in-country costs (food, accommodations, transportation etc.)

We are excited to also offer a Galapagos Tour and/or Quito Tour as a post-expedition add on.

•    Galapagos Tour: After Expedition
•    Galapagos Tour: US$1600-$1800 (depending on number of participants)
•    Quito Tour: Around US$100

Registration is now open! Register below!

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