Development Projects:

Education: Conducted teacher development training with 10 local teachers including English language training.

Health: Trained 13 local health workers and held health/sanitation and nutrition workshops for 340 villagers, treated 100 dental patients with cleanings and extractions, conducted eye clinic and distributed 100 sunglasses and 120 reading glasses to those in need of eyewear.

Economic Development: Held business training workshop for 16 current and future local entrepreneurs on improving their businesses and moving beyond subsistence living.

Construction: Sanded and painted an old school building, laid the foundation for retaining walls in the rear of the school and reconstructed the stairs to the second floor of the school.

Project Updates:

Adventure/Cultural Experiences:

  • Worked side by side with local villagers every day.
  • Participated in arrival and farewell celebrations and dancing.
  • Enjoyed social and cultural events such as ultimate Frisbee, handmade carousel, and a day-in-the-life afternoon experience.
  • Pre- and Post-Expedition travel options separate from the expedition: Kathmandu, Pokhara, Mt. Everest base camp, trekking, India, Tibet, China.

Expedition Vitals:

  • Location: Jeeta
  • Expeditioners: 54
  • Service Hours: 2,120
  • Villagers Impacted: 100s

Expedition Gallery